
07.03.2015  16:57

根据《甘肃省普通高等学校招生考试改革方案(试行)》,结合我省实际,2015 年我省普通高校招生考试英语听力仍在高考之外进行,采取全省统一组织的办法。甘肃省教育科学研究所为此编写了《2015年甘肃省普通高等学校招生英语听力测试大纲》,并制定了命题原则、命题程序及方法。“测试大纲”将是2015年我省普通高等学校招生英语听力考试命题的依据。





































听力理解的语言材料有别于阅读材料,具体表现在:句子短,语言结构不如书面语言那么严谨,且多余信息多(诸如you know, listen, well, I mean, you see等),内容多为贴近学生生活或日常交际生活中的对话或独白,它来源于生活,体现生活,和我们日常生活有密切联系,具有口语特征,诸如犹豫、停顿、重复、思考、重音、略音、拖长音、被打断、语序颠倒等,句子简短等。同时,录音文字材料的语言难度也略低于阅读材料,材料中一般不会出现生词,但个别不影响理解的词汇也有可能出现;选项中能用单词的不用短语,能用短语的不用句子,不用复杂的句子作选项;听力试题不考查语法知识;问题常以特殊疑问句的形式出现,不以一般疑问句的形式出现。















W:You are thinner than you used to be, aren’t you?

M:I am sure! I’ve lost 25 pounds and I feel great. I’m down to 165 pounds now.

1.  How much did the woman weigh before she began to lose weight?

A.        165 pounds.

B.          190 pounds.

C.  140 pounds.


M:I’m going to the cinema tonight. Would you like to go, Rebecca?

W:What’s on?

M:It’s a Western movie: A Cowboy Comes Home. I read the book about it. It’s really interesting.

W:But there’s Western on TV tonight. Why bother to turn out and pay for a cinema seat.

M:Do you think that’ll be the same movie? What’s more, movies on TV are nearly always old and they were probably made ten years ago. But A Cowboy Comes Home is a new one. And in the cinema there’s a wide screen and the color is better. And a movie can make everything more exciting and vivid.

W:You’re right. But you cannot choose your program, and it’s a waste of money to walk out on the middle if you’re bored. Here at home it’s so easy to turn off the TV, not that I do turn it off very often though.

M:Ah, I now know. That’s just it. You’re drugged by it: you’ve given up your old interests.

W:You’re probably right. But I’ll go out with you tonight, just for a change. All right?

M:Oh, no , I go almost every year. Unfortunately, it’s always on space-related business, so

I’ve only seen the inside of conference rooms and factories. I haven’t had the chance to

visit any tourist sites.

W:Oh, it’s a great pity!

2.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.        Watching TV or going to the movies.

B.          Reading a book or watching TV at home.

C.          Staying at home or eating out in the evening.

3. Why does the woman say going to the movies can be a waste of money?

A.        You have to pay for the ticket which is much too expensive.

B.          You have no choice as to what movie you’d like to see.

C.  You may leave the cinema when you do not like the movie.

W:Hilton Hotel.

M:Please give me the desk.

W:Reservations. Can I help you?

M:I’m a teacher of the University of New York, I’m coming to attend an annual conference on American Literature in Hong Kong next month. Could I make a reservation in your hotel?

W:Sure you can. It’s our pleasure to do whatever we can to serve our guests. May I ask how many of you would be traveling together and when you’ll be arriving here?

M:Two of us will arrive on Sep.11th.

W:That would be fine. Uhm, what sort of room do you like to reserve?

M:I would like to book two single rooms with private baths.

W:How long do you plan to stay here?

M:Probably from Sep.11th to 17 th .

W:OK. We can arrange that.

M:By the way, Could you let me know how much you charge?

W:The charge for a single room with bath is 50 dollars a day. On top of that there is a 12 percent service charge. This does not, of course, include lunch or dinner.

M:   OK.

W: Then I’ll send you a written confirmation that the reservation has been made. Your name, please?

M: Robert Smith.

W: Your telephone number?

M: 121-3452.

W: 121-3452. Am I right?

M: Yeah.

W: We’ll be happy to look after you during your stay here.

M: Thank you very much.

4. Where is the man from?

A. America.

B. Hong Kong.

C. Europe.

5. When will the man leave the hotel?

A. On Sep.11th.

B. On Sep. 17th.

C. On Sep. 16th.

6. What can you learn from the conversation?

A. The man will have free breakfast or dinner at hotel.

B. The man will stay at hotel for 5 days.

C. The total charge for a single room with bath is 50 dollars a day, including 12 percent service charge.


Now, you want to know about life in the past. Right? I can tell you. When I was a boy, things were different. I had to get up at six every morning. That was not very bad in summer, but in winter it was cold. And we didn’t have any hot water in the house. We had to wash in cold water. We didn’t have a bathroom. My dad had some chickens. I had to feed them every morning and then I had to walk to school with my little sister. It was two miles to school and two miles back in the evening. But it always seemed longer in the morning when we were going to school. There was a bus, but we didn’t have the money. And we had to go to bed at seven o’clock every night. We couldn’t watch TV because there wasn’t any. On Sundays we had to go to church three times --- morning, afternoon and evening. And we couldn’t play outside on Sundays. But it wasn’t all bad. We had some good times. We could go out and our parents didn’t have to worry about us. There weren’t so many cars on the roads then, so the streets were safe to play in. And there were not many robbers and thieves in those days. We had to work hard and we weren’t able to buy all those things in the shops today. Life was hard, but it was simple and people were happier. I don’t think I’d like to be young today.

7. What did the man have to do in the morning ?

A.        He fed the chickens.

B.          He cleaned the bathroom.

C.          He carried water for the family.

8. Why did the man go to school foot ?

A.        No bus ran in that direction.

B.          The school was near.

C.          His family was poor.

9. What did the man do every Sunday ?

A. He was taken to church three times.

B. He stayed at home all day.

C. He played in the street.

10. What can we learn from what the speaker said ?

A. He is a retired teacher of history.

B. He thinks children were happier in the past.









例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.    B. £9.15.        C. £9.18.


1. When will the lecture begin?

A. At 8∶20.                                    B. At 8∶17.                                      C. At 8∶03.

2. How is the woman feeling now?

A. Excited.

B. Unhappy.

C. Surprised.

3. Where was the man last night?

 A. At the theatre.

B. At home.

C. At a hotel.

4. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Neighbors.

B. Doctor and patient.

C. Classmates.

5. What’s the weather like now?

A. Rainy.                                      B. Cloudy.                                        C. Fine.




6. Why does Helen shop online?

A. She prefers to stay at home.

B. She has opened an account.

C. She thinks it convenient.

7. What can we learn about Helen?

A. She bought some books online last week.

B. She is crazy about shopping online.

C. She seldom makes a purchase online.


8. How will the speakers get to their destination?

 A. By bus.

B. By subway.

C. By car.

9. What does the woman hate according to the conversation?

A. Seeing animals in cages.

B. Swimming in a small pool.

C. Having meals in a restaurant.

10. Where have they finally decided to go?

A. The Adventure Park.

B. The Waterworld.

C. The small zoo.


11. What is Bill Gate’s house actually like?

A. Out of date.

B. Common.

C. Amazing.

12. How can one surf the Internet to get things done in each room of that house?

A. Through the Internet.

B. Through a remote control.

C. Through a special button.

13. Why does the woman usually wear secondhand clothes?

A. She is not rich.

B. She doesn’t care about clothes.

C. She’s not beautiful.


14.How many times did Mr.Yang have to read the books?

A. Only once.

B. Once or twice.

C. At least three times.

15. What will they do next?

A. Tell the company of their arrival.

B. Go to the company by taxi.

C. Give Mr.Yang’s mother a call.

16. When will Mr.Yang see his family?

A. Next week.

B. Right now.

C. In two weeks.


17. When is Earth Day?

A. Today.

B. Tomorrow.

C. The day after tomorrow.

18. What is the main purpose of the speech?

A. To call on people to protect our earth.

B. To urge people to find new energy sources.

C. To remind people of the date of Earth Day.

19. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the speech?

A. A water planet.

B. A thirsty planet.

C. A dirty planet.

20. How can we get enough water in the future according to the speaker?

A. By getting water from ice.

B. By saving water.

C. By cleaning dirty water.






M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to find out a bit more.

M: Yes, certainly, well, we’re a sort of social club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment, but we’re growing all the time.

W: That sounds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I’m looking for ways to meet people. Er, what kinds of events do you organize?

M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports, and we also have language evenings.

W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings?

M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practise

their language—you know, over a drink or something. We have different languages on different

evenings. Monday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practise my French.

M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more information. If you join now, you can have the first month free.









M:Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W:Yes, it’s nine pounds fifteen pence.







(Text 1)

W: Hurry up. It’s 8:03 now. The lecture will begin soon.

M: Don’t worry. We still have 17 minutes to go.



(Text 2)

M: I’m so excited. I’ve been waiting for the match for two months. Will you go to watch the match with me?

W: Sorry. I failed in the piano competition yesterday, and I’m not in the mood.



(Text 3)

W: You didn’t go to the theatre last night either, did you?

M: No, I had an unexpected guest in my house.



(Text 4)

M: What happened to Jack? He didn’t come to class today!

W: He had a car accident this morning, so he is in hospital now.

M: When do you think he will come back to join us again?

W: Not for at least two weeks.



(Text 5)

W: Why do you take an umbrella with you? It’s a beautiful day today.

M: It will rain this afternoon.

W: Is it true? The weather really changes fast these days.










(Text 6)

M: Helen, do you shop online often?

W: Yes. It’s very convenient and the price is much lower.

M: Last week, I tried to buy some books online, but I didn’t know how to pay for them.

W: You should open an account at the online bank first. After that, you can buy anything online.

M: Are there many things online?

W: Sure. You can find everything from all over the world. Let’s check it out online!

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 7)

W: Where shall we take the children this weekend?

M: We could take them either to the Waterworld or to the Adventure Park. Which one would you prefer?

W: I prefer somewhere not far away. I don’t want to spend all day in the car.

M: Er…, the Waterworld is pretty close. But the Adventure Park will take about three hours—if we’re lucky.

W: Do they have swimming pools?

M: Well, the Waterworld has. The Adventure Park hasn’t, but it has a small zoo.

W: I really don’t like zoos. I hate seeing animals in cages.

M: Well, there aren’t any animals at the Waterworld.

W: Well, if we are going, I’ll take a picnic. I know the restaurants there are always so expensive. I’d rather take our own food and drinks.

M: That’s a good idea. I’ll tell the children about it.

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(Text 8)

W: Have you ever seen Bill Gate’s house on the Internet?

M: No. What’s it like?

W: The house has its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. It has about ten different rooms that are all linked up to computers. You can get things done in each room through a remote control. It’s also located near the sea, so he can park his boats next to his house. It’s absolutely amazing!

M: Would you want to live there?

W: No. The house is good, but you have to hire many people to clean all the rooms in the house, to take care of the gardens, and probably to take care of the children. It’s just too big a place to take care of by yourself.

M: Then, what’s your dream house like?

W: My dream house is actually just a small cottage in a quiet village.

M: Would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself?

W: Old homes are great because they’ve got character. I think that’s important.

M: Is that why you wear second-hand clothes as well? Because they’ve got character?

W: No, that’s just because I don’t have enough money to buy new clothes all the time!

M: Oh, I see.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 9)

W: Welcome back home, Mr. Yang. How are you feeling now?

M: Very excited.

W: How long have you been away from China?

M: Ever since 2008. That summer I left for Washington to study for my master’s degree.

W: But you could have come home once or twice during the time.

M: But there were too many books to read. Every month my instructor would assign me more than twenty books to read and he would ask me questions on them. And the books had to be read          three times or more.

W: Then you got your doctor’s degree there, right?

M: Yes. And now I’ve returned to work in our country. Oh, where is our company?

W: In the northwest part of the city.

M: Shall we go there by bus or by taxi?

W: By taxi. But when will you see your family?

M: Sometime next week. I’ve told my mother I will stay in the company for a few days before I go home.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 10)

Today is the 21st of April. We are gathering here to celebrate Earth Day, which is tomorrow. People all over the world are showing more concern than ever for the earth and our future, and are taking action to improve the current situation. We do believe Earth Day is a reminder of the threat of the world energy crisis. It helps us learn about what we have to face so that we can change our behavior. If we had known more about the earth before, we would have made different choices about what to do. However, it is never too late to change. The most important challenge ahead of us is to find an efficient way to protect water first. As most of us know, though our earth is truly a water planet, most of the water cannot be used for drinking. The earth is already becoming a thirsty planet. If we want to have enough water in the future, we must learn to take better care of water, save water and stop polluting water from now on.

停顿(pause)00′02′ 重复









1. A        2. B        3. B        4. C        5. C        6. C        7. B        8. C      9. A      10. B

11. C       12.B    13. A      14.C      15.B        16.A      17. B      18. A    19. C    20. B










例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.                      B. £9.15.            C.£9.18.


1. What is Tom’s native language?

 A. Japanese.

B. French.

C. German.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

 A. In the office.

B. At the woman’s home.

C. At the doctor’s.

3. When will the man leave?

 A. At 8∶45.

B. At 9∶00.

C. At 8∶15.

4. How did the man like the movie?

 A. It was interesting.

B. It was bad.

C. It lasted too long.

5. What is the woman going to do on Friday?

A. See a film.

B. Attend a lecture.

C. See a play.




6. What is the woman?

A. A customer.

B. A teacher.

C. A shop assistant.

7. What does the man want to do?

A. Buy a book.

B. Buy a T-shirt.

C. Buy a pair of shoes.


8.What is Bob’s plan for tomorrow?

  A. To go to the zoo.

B. To go to the park.

C. To go to the science museum.

9.Why does Joan suggest that Bob take a bus tour?

  A. It can lead him to the central part of the city.

  B. It can help him to know the city.

  C. It is both cheap and comfortable.

10.What did Bob think of the seafood in the local restaurant?

  A. It was great.

B. It was terrible.

C. It was fresh.


11. Which bus will the woman take?

  A. The bus to the station.

  B. The No.13 bus.

  C. The No.30 bus.

12. Why does the man also get on the same bus?

  A. He is going to work.

  B. He is going to the post office.

  C. He is going to the station.

13. How far is it from the bus stop to the railway station?

  A. A few minutes’walk.

  B. Ten minutes’drive.

  C. Not told.


14.What are the two speakers doing?

A. They’re talking about each other’s family.

B. One is asking about the other’s family background.

C. One is interviewing the other.

15.Why didn’t Mr.Stone continue his study after he finished his school?

A. A friend of his father’s offered him a job.

B. He had to work to support his family.

C. His father didn’t like him to study art.

16.What is Mr.Stone’s place in the family?

A. He is the bread earner in the family.

B. He is the oldest son in the family.

C. He is his father’s favourite son.


17. Which of the following is not mentioned in learning a foreign language?

A. Speaking.

B. Reading.

C. Translation.

18. What is considered as a great book?

A. The grammar rule.

B. A good memory.

C. A good piece of advice.

19. How should we learn a new language according to the speaker?

 A. To learn through use.

 B. To learn by heart the long lists of words.

 C. To study the dictionary.

20. What is mainly discussed in this passage?

 A. Good memory is the most important in learning a language.

 B. Grammatical rules are the key to the success of language learning.

 C. The general way to learn a foreign language.






M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to find out a bit more.

M: Yes, certainly, well, we’re a sort of social club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment, but we’re growing all the time.

W: That sounds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I’m looking for ways to meet people. Er, what kinds of events do you organize ?

M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports, and we also have language evenings.

W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings ?

M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practice their language—you know, over a drink or something. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practise my French.

M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more information. If you join now, you can have the first month free.









M:Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W:Yes, it’s nine pounds fifteen pence.







(Text 1)

W: Hi, Mike. Is Tom from France?

M: No, he isn’t. He is from Germany.



(Text 2)

W:Now, what seems to be the trouble?

M:Something wrong with my back.

W:Your back, eh? Let me examine you. Where exactly does it hurt?



(Text 3)

W: Are you leaving now? It’s 8:30.

M: No,I’m going to wait another 15 minutes.



(Text 4)

W: Was the movie as good as Peter had told you?

M: It was a waste of time and money.



(Text 5)

M: Sally, would you like to go to the theater on Friday?

W: Well, what I would really like to do is to see a film, but I have to get to a lecture.

M: It’s all right, maybe I can invite Bob to go with me.










(Text 6)

W: May I help you?

M: Yes, I would like to buy a shirt.

W: What kind of shirt do you want?

M: I would like a T-shirt.

W: What size?

M: Large.

W: What color?

M: Do you have something bright?

W: Yes, we have red, yellow, and orange.

M: Oh, I’d like to try yellow.

W: Here you are.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 7)

M: Hi, Joan.

W: Hi, Bob. Have you ever been to the science museum?

M: No, but I’m going there tomorrow afternoon.

W: Well, you’ll love it. Have you taken a bus tour? It’s the best way to get to know the city.

M: Not yet. But I hear that the city is worth looking around by taking a bus tour.

W: What about the zoo? Have you been there yet?

M: Oh, yes. That is lovely. It’s one of the nicest zoos, I think.

W: And don’t forget to try some of the restaurants. The seafood is fantastic.

M: I tried some seafood yesterday. It was most delicious.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 8)

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the International Hotel?

M: Of course. Take the No. 13 bus and get off at the railway station. The hotel is just next to the station.

W: How far is it to the station?

M: It’s about ten minutes’ drive. Look! Here comes the bus.

W: Are you taking this one, too?

M: Yes, I’m going the same way to my company as usual.

W: By the way, where is the post office?

M: Let me see. Go straight north from the hotel for a few minutes, then turn right at the second street up ahead. It’s on the corner.

W: Thanks a lot.

M: You’re welcome.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 9)

W: First of all, I’d like you to tell me a bit about what you’ve been doing.

M: Well, I left school after I’d done my A-levels.

W: What subjects did you take?

M: French, German and art.

W: Art?

M: Well, I really want to study art. But a friend of my father’s offered me a job — he’s an accountant in the city.

W: I see. In your application, you say that you only spent nine months with this firm of accountants. Why was that?

M: Well, to be quite honest, I didn’t like it — so I got a place at the Art College a year ago.

W: Did your father mind?

M: Well, he was rather disappointed at first. He’s an accountant too, you see.

W: Have you any brothers or sisters?

M: Two brothers, both at school. One’s twelve, and the other’s fifteen.

W: Right! What do you do in your spare time?

M: I like jazz and folk music; I go to theater occasionally and act a bit myself. I read quite a lot, and I’ve done a bit of photography. Also, I’m fond of travelling.

W: Very interesting, Mr. Stone. I think that’s all I want to ask about your background.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 10)

In order to know a foreign language thoroughly, four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when hearing it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly and directly. Thirdly, we must be able to read the language, and fourthly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are grammatically correct.

There is no easy way to success in language learning. A good memory is a great book. It is not enough only to memorize rules from a grammar book. It may not be so useful to learn by heart long lists of words and their meanings, study the dictionary and so on. We must learn to use the language. If we are satisfied with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. “Learn through use” is a good piece of advice for those who are studying a new language. Practice is important. We must practice speaking and writing the language whenever we can.

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1.C    2.C      3.A      4.B      5.B    6.C    7.B    8.C      9.B        10.A        11.B        12.A    13.B      14.C      15.A      16.B        17.C        18.B        19.A        20.C



1.  本试卷共三大题,满分30分,考试时间30分钟。

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例:How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.          B. £9.15.            C. £9.18.


1. What does the woman probably do?

A. A designer.                                                B. A lawyer.                                                      C. A doctor.

2. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a restaurant.                              B. In a flower shop.          C. At a concert.

3. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.  Wait at the corner.                      B.  Correct the mistake.            C. Telephone the hotel.

4. When will the two speakers leave if they get cheaper tickets?

A. On Tuesday.                                B.  On Thursday.                C.  On Friday.

5. How does the man feel about the bus service?

A. Pleased                                                        B. Dissatisfied.                                          C. Puzzled.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6.Where are the two speakers?

A. In a library.                    B. In a bookstore.                            C. In an office.

7. Why didn’t the woman lend him the three books?

A. Because they are expensive.                B. Because they are very important.

C. Because they are single copies.

8. How many books did the man finally take away?

A. One.                                      B. Three.                                  C. Four.


9.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Father and daughter.              B. Master and servant.                  C. Husband and wife.

10. When does the conversation take place?

A. In the morning.                  B. In the afternoon.                        C. In the evening.

11. What does the woman think of her life?

A. It is hard and eventful.            B. It is boring and dull.                 C. It is busy and colourful.


12. What do the two watches have in common?

A. Both are ten minutes slow.                    B. Both are ten minutes fast.

C. Neither tells the right time.

13. What do you think the woman will do?

A. She will take the man’s advice.                B. She would probably buy a new watch.

C. She doesn’t know what to do.

14. Why does the man value his watch?

A. Because it doesn’t bother to set it right.            B. Because it cost him much of his money.

C. Because it is a gift from his grandma.


15.Who is the woman?

A. The boss.                                    B. The customer.                          C. The head waitress.

16. Why does the man want to have a word with the woman?

A. He has waited for the dishes for a long time.

B. He wants to complain about the food.                C. He wants to pay the bill.

17. What do you know about the restaurant?

A. It must be a newly-opened restaurant.                    B. It has many famous cooks.

C. It possibly needs more waiters.


18. In order to get pleasure, what kind of newspapers will you buy?

A. A serious newspaper.                                    B. A popular newspaper

C. An independent newspaper.

19. Why is The Times famous?

A. Because the news carried in the newspaper can be accepted as true.

B. Because it receives plenty of readers’ letters.

C. Because people can get entertainment from it.

20. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. The kinds of newspapers.                        B. The effects of newspapers.

C. The numbers of newspapers.






M: Hello. International Friends Club. Can I help you?

W: Oh, hello. I read about your club in the paper today and I thought I’d phone to find out a bit more.

M: Yes, certainly, well, we’re a sort of social club for people from different countries. It’s quite a new club—we have about 50 members at the moment, but we’re growing all the time.

W: That sounds interesting. I’m British actually, and I came to Washington about three months ago. I’m looking for ways to meet people. Er, what kinds of events do you organize ?

M: Well, we have social get-togethers, and sports, and we also have language evenings.

W: Could you tell me something about the language evenings ?

M: Yes. Every day except Thursday we have a language evening. People can come and practise their language—you know, over a drink or something. We have different languages on different evenings. Monday—Spanish; Tuesday—Italian; Wednesday—German; and Friday—French. On Thursday we usually have a meal in a restaurant for anyone who wants to come.

W: Well, that sounds great. I really need to practise my French.

M: OK. Well, if you can just give me your name and address, I’ll send you the form and some more information. If you join now, you can have the first month free.









M:Excuse me. Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W:Yes, it’s nine pounds fifteen pence.







(Text 1)

M: How often should I take these pills and how many at a time, please?

W: Take two pills every four hours.

M: Thanks.



(Text 2)

M: The music and flowers are lovely.

W: Yes, but the most important of all, the food is delicious.



(Text 3)

M: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Grand Hotel? I thought it was on this corner, but I seem to have made a mistake.

W: Hmm, I’m sorry. Maybe you should try calling them.



(Text 4)

M: Those plane tickets on Tuesday are so expensive. Can’t you find anything better for Friday?

W: Well, if we want cheaper tickets, we have to leave on Thursday.



(Text 5)

M: Does this bus go to the City Hall?

W: Yes. Please wait for the next one. This bus is over crowed.

M: But I have already waited for about 20 minutes! I can’t wait any longer!











(Text 6)

M: Excuse me. Here are the books I want to borrow and here’s my card.

W: You’ve got three books on your card already.

M: Yes. And I can borrow 7 altogether, isn’t it? I’ve four here.

W: Yes, you can have four. But I’m afraid you can’t take these three out.

M: Can teachers borrow them? I can ask my teacher to borrow them for me.

W: I’m afraid not. They are single copies, so we are not lending them to anyone. You can read them here in the library.

M: I see. I’ll take the one I can borrow then, and when I’m free, I’ll read the three here.

W: OK.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 7)

M: What’s the matter?

W: It’s just life. It’s all right for you. You’ll leave the house in five minutes. I’ll be here all day. You won’t come back till seven o’clock.

M: One of us must go to work, dear.

W: Yes, but your day is interesting. My day is the same every day.

M: My work isn’t always interesting.

W: I know, but you travel around, you meet different people and you do different things. Who will I meet today? What will I do? Er? I’ll wash up, feed the baby, do the washing, clean the house, bathe the baby, take the dog for a walk…

M: But…but…

W: Then I’ll go to supermarket, prepare dinner, meet you at the station, have dinner, wash up again…

M: But…

W: Then I’ll feed the baby again, put the baby to bed… What a life! Today, tomorrow, this week, next week, this month, next year—forever!

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 8)

M: My watch always gains 10minutes a day.

W: That’s funny. My watch always loses 10 minutes a day.

M: No kidding?

W: I’m serious. Every morning I set my watch by the radio. But it still loses 10 minutes.

M: Do you know what you can do?

W: Throw it away and buy a new one?

M: No, you don’t have to. You only need to put your watch ten minutes ahead every day.

W: So you put your watch back ten minutes every day?

M: Yeah, that’s what I do.

W: Why bother? Just buy a new watch and it won’t cost much. Besides, I just can’t put up with this kind of thing any more.

M: Oh, no way, it is a birthday gift from my grandma. She passed away last year, and I have kept the watch in memory of her since then. It’s a great value to me.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 9)

M: Head waitress! I want to have a word with you.

W: Yes, sir. I will be with you in a minute. Is there anything else you’d like to have, sir?

M: Anything else? We’ve been kept waiting here for an hour for the meal.

W: I’m terribly sorry about that, sir. There might be something wrong. You see, we’re short of help today. I will see to it at once. Would you like to have a drink while waiting?

M: Well, another martini.

W: Yes, sir. One moment. Here is yours. I’ll be back in a minute…Here are the dishes you ordered, sir.

M: Thank you.

W: I’m very sorry to have kept you waiting. I wish I would have known earlier.

M: That’s all right.

W: Thank you for your understanding. I assure you it won’t happen again.

停顿(pause)00′02″  重复






(Text 10)

Newspapers in Great Britain vary greatly in their ways of carrying the news. There are serious papers for those who want to know about important happenings everywhere, both at home and abroad. There are popular newspapers for those who prefer entertainment to information.

The London newspaper that is best known outside Great Britain is probably The Times. It began in 1785, and has a high reputation for believable news and serious opinions on the news. It does not give its support to a particular political party. Its leading articles give the opinions of the editors, not those of the owners of the paper. Letters to the editor are printed in the newspaper. These parts of The Times are always interesting. Most of the letters are on serious subjects.

停顿(pause)00′02′ 重复









1. C    2. A    3. C    4. B      5. B       6. A      7. C        8. A      9. C      10. A

11. B  12. C  13. B  14. C    15. C     16. A    17. C      18. B    19. A    20. A

第二部分 高考听力测试应试技巧及训练策略










听录音时,仅凭大脑的短时记忆是不够的,如在听第六到第十段长对话或独白时,考生不可能记住录音材料中涉及到的全部信息,特别是一些数据、时间、地点、人名等。所以考生就应做到耳听、眼读、脑思和手划同时进行。有必要时,考生还要对一些非常重要且易忘记的信息做速记。速记时要遵循的原则是简单、易懂、快捷。可采用字母、缩写、符号、汉字等形式,如数词用阿拉伯数字记录、地点、人名用代号、长词用缩写、长句抓住关键词等等,具体形式因时而异,因人而异。记录时要有重点、有技巧。要迅速捕捉文中所涉及的人物(who)、事件(what)、时间(when,what time)、地点(where)、原因(why)、方式(how)、程度(how long,how soon,how often,how much)、数字(how many/how much)、选择(which…)等信息,注意记笔记要抓关键词,若特别有把握处,亦可不记,以免浪费时间。


听力题虽然要求在限定的时间内完成,但不要紧张,因为只有心态平静,才能听的清、辩的明,才能最大限度地调动大脑的潜能。过分紧张不利于捕捉声音的信息,会使自己产生畏惧心理,考试时就会降低听力反应的速度和准确率,影响正常水平的发挥。  听音时,要注意抓住问题,因为问题是解答考题的关键所在。抓住问题,把捕捉到的有关信息进行优化处理。对自己有把握的试题快速作答;不会作答的,立即暂时搁置,准备听新的题目。一定要克服犹豫不决、优柔寡断的毛病,使整个答题过程更加顺畅。凡有听不清之处,要当机立断,猜测一处答案或放弃,立刻转入下一题,千万不要过多纠缠,以致影响做后面题的情绪并且错过后面的内容。听完每一段录音后,要前后联系,利用后面听到的信息补充前面漏听或有疑问的信息,并对听前、听中的预测、判断加以推理、分析、修正,以使理解的准确性更高。要相信自己,答案选定后一般不要随意改动。要用点面结合、点面互补的办法,全面复查。对听懂的部分,要确认;对听不清的地方,要用已知推出未知。




掌握文化背景知识有助于考生对不同语境和场景中发生的事件及其前因后果进行推断。所以考生要尽量了解英语国家背景知识,认真梳理并熟悉在特定情景中的语言交际的场合及功能,消除在风俗习惯的差异方面的听力理解障碍。  要注意拓宽知识面,尤其是要了解英美文化方面的常识,如交际礼仪、生活习俗等(中学阶段共有41项日常交际用语项目)。






























living-room, kitchen, bathroom, bath, brush teeth, mirror, clothes, dress, umbrella, shower, factory, office, bank, wallet, rent, haircut, birthday, go to the cinema, film, housework, tidy, sweep, cook, furniture, fridge, table, chair, radio, television, watch television, tired, bed, make the bed, go to bed…


education, kindergarten, school, institute, college, university, grade, junior, senior, graduate, degree, professor, teacher, student, monitor, pupil, librarian, office, lab, library, dining-room, playground, classroom, chalk, ink, lecture, course, subject, lesson, mathematics, geography, history, biology, chemistry, physics, politics…


favorite, interested in, be fond of, poem, novel, music, piano, sports, computer games, collect stamps, collect coins, film, watch TV, listen to the radio…


home, family, granny, parent, father, dad, mother, mum, husband, wife, child, son, daughter, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, nephew, niece, twin, people, friend, guest, neighbors…


company, factory, employ, labor, work, job, actor, actress, player, manager, clerk, worker, engineer, scientist, merchant, business, professor, headmaster, teacher, student, servant, waiter, waitress, boss, secretary, doctor, nurse, patient, shop assistant, customer, driver, conductor, guide, passenger, reporter, writer, artist, poet, musician, pianist, painter, pilot, soldier, policeman, lawyer, housewife, cook, farmer, peasant, tailor, gardener, operator, typist, postman…


go shopping, market, shop, store, bookstore, money, bill, dollar, pound, quantity, quality, weigh, size, price, expensive, cheap, dear, worth, save, charge, bargain, sale, buy, pay, cost, spend, change, borrow, lend, clothes, shoes…


food, sandwich, bread, cake, beef, hot dogs, butter, cheese, ham, biscuit, soup, chicken, fish, rice, chocolate, egg, meat, drink, milk, water, coffee, tea, wine, beer, vegetable, potato, fruit, tomato, orange, oil, salt, pork, spoon, fork, knife, dish, plate, meal, breakfast, lunch, supper, dinner, delicious, thirsty, hungry, full, restaurant, order, serve, menu, taste…


holiday, vacation, New Year’s Day, Women’s Day, April Fool’s Day, Children’s Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day, Thanks-giving Day, Christmas…


game, Olympic Games, match, sports meeting, team, football, basketball, volley-ball, table tennis, tennis, swim, skate, race, run, jump, chess, ticket, film, cinema, club, theatre, concert, dance, music, piano, violin…


body, head, forehead, face, mouth, tongue, brain, tooth, eye, nose, ear, neck, throat, shoulder, arm, hand, finger, nail, chest, heart, lung, stomach, waist, back, leg, knee, foot, ankle, bone, temperature, pulse, breath, disease, ill, sick, trouble, cold, fever, ache, cough, sneeze, sweat, pain, hurt, treat, cure, recover, operation, medicine, hospital, clinic, doctor, nurse, patient, health, fit, blind, deaf…


environment, nature, continent, river, lake, hill, mountain, valley, rock, desert, forest, island, land, ocean, sea, beach, city, building, factory, country, farm, village, garden, park, flower, tree, grass, plant, crop, pollution, noise, fire, rubbish, flood, earthquake, population, animal, space, sun, moon, star, planet…


season, weather, sunny, fine, clear, sunshine, cloud, cloudy, wind, rain, storm, thunder, lightning. Shower, snow, fog, flood, wet, temperature, hot, warm, cold, cool


abroad, tour, travel, trip, journey, bicycle, car, voyage, plane, ship, taxi, boat, truck, flight, lorry, luggage, map, ticket, hotel, crossing, traffic light, street, road, railway, station, airport, highway, direction, left, right, straight, ahead, north, south, east, west, drive, kill, jam, camp, picnic, tent, police, stranger, passenger…


subject, class, course, lesson, biology, chemistry, composition, computer, law, language, maths, physics, teach, study, learn, review, write, read, knowledge, text, exercise, dictation, examination, test, fail, pass, experiment, book, diary, dictionary, ink, magazine, rubber, newspaper, paper, pen, pencil, rule
