1. 攻读学位的留学生学习方式为全日制。
2. 本科生学习年限为4年,硕士生为3年,博士生为3年。
1. 申请人须为非中国籍公民,持有效外国护照,身体健康,品行端正,遵守中国政府的法律、法规和学校的规章制度。
2. 申请人的学历和年龄要求:
▲ 学习语言或进修者,必须具有至少高中毕业学历,无年龄要求;
▲ 攻读本科学位者,必须具有高中毕业学历,成绩优秀,年龄不超过30周岁;
▲ 攻读硕士学位者,必须本科毕业或具有同等学历,年龄不超过40周岁;
▲ 攻读博士学位者,必须硕士毕业或具有同等学历,年龄不超过45周岁。
1. 《甘肃农业大学外国留学生申请表》,用中文或英文按要求填写,并附照片。请登录下载该表(附件2)。
2. 经过公证的最高学历证明及成绩单。如果是除中文或英文以外的其它语言文本,则需提交该文本的中文或英文译文,并且进行公证。
3. 申请人如果是在校学生或在职工作,需提交本人就读学校或工作单位出具的在学证明或在职证明。如果是除中文或英文以外的其它语言文本,则需提交该文本的中文或英文译文。
4. HSK考试成绩单复印件。
5. 来华学习或研究计划。
6. 申请攻读硕士、博士学位者,须提交两名教授或副教授的推荐信,用中文或英文书写。
7. 提交《外国人体格检查记录》原件及复印件各一份。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查记录》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师或医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查记录》无效。请登录下载该表。(附件3)
8. 护照扫描件。
上述材料电子扫描件发至[email protected],同时将纸质材料寄至我校国际交流与对外联络处。
我校根据来华留学生的基本情况、申请专业师资情况、导师意见和学校意见择优录取,审核通过后,将向申请者寄发给录取学生《录取通知书》和 JW202 表,供申请人到所在国的中国大使馆或领事馆自行办理学生签证“ X1签证 ”。
学生必须持录取通知书按期到校报到。未履行延期手续,超过报到时间 15 天者,取消入学资格。
1. 自费生详见甘肃农业大学外国留学生收费标准(附件4)。
2. 甘肃农业大学校长奖学金
电话:+86-931-7631125, +86-931-7632459
E-mail: [email protected] , [email protected]
网址:学校主页:http:// www.gsau.edu.cn
了解具体留学信息请访问:http:// wsc.gsau.edu.cn
1. 甘肃农业大学外国留学生招生专业目录
2. 甘肃农业大学外国留学生申请表
3. 外国人体格检查记录
4. 甘肃农业大学外国留学生收费标准
5. 甘肃农业大学外国留学生校长奖学金申请表
Admission of Gansu Agricultural University
For International Students
( 2016 )
Gansu Agricultural University (GAU) is located on the picturesque Yellow River bank in Anning District of Lanzhou. Its predecessor was the National Veterinary College founded in Lanzhou in October 1946,
GAU has 17 colleges, 1 State Key Discipline, 1 Key Discipline of State Ministry of Agriculture and 13 Provincial Key Disciplines, 5 Post-Doctoral Research Stations, 26 Ph. D programs, 66 Master’s Degree programs, and 53 Bachelor’s Degree programs. GAU has 28 research institutes and labs that provide substantial support to academic activities.
GAU has 1500 full-time teachers. The current enrollment includes 16,000 undergraduates and 2,000 post-graduates.
GAU has paid great attention to international academic exchanges, and has established friendly academic cooperation with many university and institutes in more than ten countries such as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Germany, France, Ghana and Sudan etc..
GAU actively develops International exchange and cooperation, which sets the “GAU President Scholarship” to attract the excellent international student.
The admission for international student to GAU of 2016 has started. For the specifications, please read the following:
1. Admission Type:
(1) Self-financed student:
Non-degree: Chinese language Training, Visiting Student (Long term above 6 month and short term), Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctoral Degrees, Quotas: no limited
(2) GAU President Scholarship: Doctoral Degree(priority), Master’s degree. Recipient: 5.
2. Disciplines and Majors:
All the disciplines and majors authorized to confer degrees (refer to annex)
3. Mode and Length of Study
Mode: Full-time
Length of Study: Bachelor: 4years; Master: 3 years; Doctoral: 3years
An effective HSK certificate (level 3) is required for an applicant for the Bachelor and Master Degree program. Those who have no this certification must attend 1-2 semesters’ Chinese language training, before starting the majors.
4. Eligibility
(1) The applicant must be non-Chinese with a valid passport, be in good health and have no criminal record, will observe all the laws of China as well as the rules and regulations of GAU.
(2) Applicants for Chinese language studies must finish a high school diploma or its equivalent.
Applicants for Bachelor Degree studies must finish a high school diploma or its equivalent and aged under 30.
Applicants for Master Degree studies must finish a Bachelor’s Degree or its equivalent and aged under 40.
Applicants for Doctoral Degree studies must finish a Master’s Degree or its equivalent and aged under 45.
5. Application Materials
The following materials are needed (2 copies for each)
(1) Application Form for International Students filled in Chinese or English(refer to annex)
(2) Highest Diploma and transcript with notarized
(3) Working or Studying Certificate
(4) Certificate of HSK
(5) Study or research plan in Chinese or in English
(6) Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English by different professors or associate professors
(7) Foreigner's Physical Examination Form(refer to annex) and blood test report. Original forms must be presented when you come to register. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner's Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, official stamp of the hospital or a sead photograph of the applicants are invalid.
(8) Passport photocopy
6. Application Deadline
All the application materials are required to be scanned and submitted by Email before 25 th November and post before 30 th December 2015.
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Post address: Office of International Relations, Gansu Agicultural University, No.1 Yingmen Village, Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730070, China
7. Approval, Notification and Enrollment:
GAU will organize a committee to review all the application materials, make the decision whether or not to admit the applicants. After that, GAU will release the list of matriculated students and send them the Admission Notice of GAU and Visa Application for Study in China (i.e.: JW202 Form) for “X” visa application in the Chinese embassy. All the International students matriculated in GAU are responsible for their visa application on their own.
Enrollment: Spring semester: 2 nd March 2016; Autumn semester: 2 nd September 2016. The definite time will be informed on Admission Notice. All the matriculated students should be enrolled in GAU on time according to the Admission Notice.
8. Fees
(1) Self-paid student please find the details from attachment.
(2) GAU sets the GAU President Scholarship for Mater and Doctoral (priority) applicants which includes:
- free Chinese language training(one semester) ,including tuition and lodging
- free Mater or Doctoral degree study(3 years), including tuition and lodging
- living subsidy: 1000RMB/month (totally 10 months/year, except summer and winter holiday)
The application form(refer to annex) is required to be scanned and submitted with the degree application materials.
9. Contact Us
Address: Office of International Relations, Gansu Agricultural University, No.1 Yingmen Village, Anning District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730070, China
Tel/Fax: +86-931-7631125, +86-931-7632459
Email: [email protected] , [email protected]
Website:http:// www.gsau.edu.cn
http:// wsc.gsau.edu.cn
Welcome to Gansu Agricultural University!
1. Disciplines and majors lists of GAU for Foreign students
2. Application Form
3. Physical Examination Record for Foreign
4. Fees for Foreign students
5. Application Form of GAU President Scholarship for Foreign Students