
09.03.2015  06:54

“天”是汉语中的一个常用词和构词成分,最普通的含义是“天空”,相对于英语的sky, heaven,乃至universe, 如:“天蓝”sky blue;“蓝天白云” white clouds in a blue sky:“天高气爽”The sky is clear and the air crisp;“满天星斗”a skyful of stars;“月落乌啼霜满天”The moon is setting, crows are cawing, and frost is filling the sky。“太阳一出满天红”The sky is glowing with the rising sum;“万类霜天争自由”Under freezing skies a million creatures contend in freedom。天文学中的“天体”是heavenly body或celestial body;“天干”是(the ten)Heavenly Stems“天顶”是zenith。“天”字用在一些比喻的说法中,可用以指其高、远或大,如:“天边”、“天际”、“天涯”指horizon,或 the end of the world,实际指the remotest place of the world。“天涯处处有芳草”There are fragrant flowers in every land。“天(底)下”指the whole country乃至the whole world(也可译为on earth 或under the sun,有时可译为under heaven,但under heaven常用以加强语气,有“究竟”、“到底”的含义)。“天下乌鸦一般黑”All ravens under the sun are black;“天下之大,无奇不有”In this boundless universe wonders never cease;“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”Every man has a duty to his country。“震天响”是rend the skies;“捧上天”可译为praise to the sky;“臭气熏天”可译为smell(stink)to heaven(sky)。

许多说法只是一种夸张,“天”字往往不必译出来,如:“远在天边”far beyond;“天大的事”most serious(gravest) matter(“不管发生什么天大的事”不妨译为 whatever comes);“天大的笑语”colossal absurdity;“滔天罪行”towering crime(s);“弥天大谎”glaring lie(s);“天地良心”in all fairness(justice)或 in one’s soul of souls;“天长地久”till the end of the world(也可简单地译为 forever或 everlasting,或形象地译为as long as the heaven and earth endure);“天各一方”、“天南地北”只需译作far apart from each other;“天下没有不散的筵席”There never was a feast but the guests had to depart。至于“民以食为天”中的“天”是指最重要的事情,此句可按其意思译为Food is the number one need of the people。顺便提一下,“天字第一号”即number one,其中的“天”不必译出,因为其出处来自《千字文》第一句“天地玄黄”的第一个字,古代人们常按《千字文》中的字编排顺序号。

“天”字的一个引申意义指与第一个意义相关的时间、天气等。“一天”是one day;“天天向上”make progress every day;“天亮”、“天明”指daybreak, dawn;“白天”是daytime;“五更天”大约相当于four o’clock in the morning;“当天”是(on)the same day;“天不早啦”可译为It’s getting late;“大冷天”是the coldest days of winter;“阴天”是cloudy