
11.10.2015  14:08
中国甘肃网10月11日讯 丝绸之路(敦煌)国际文化博览会口号标语确定,如下: 1.​文约敦煌,梦筑天下 Dunhuang, a dreamed land of culture on the Silk Road. 2.​文载丝路,博览天下,汇聚敦煌 The Silk Road International Culture Expo welcomes the cultures along the Silk Road as well as in the world. 3.​敦煌飞天梦,丝路文化情 Art embodied in the Flying Apsaras in Dunhuang is immortal; Affection conveyed in the culture of the Silk Road is universal. 4.​丝路牵手世界,甘肃有约天下 The Silk Road connects the globe together; Gansu Province invites guests from the world. 5. 丝路风文化韵敦煌情 Charming cultures are flourishing in Dunhuang on the Silk Road. 6. 一张丝路的名片,一张文化的请柬——丝绸之路(敦煌)国际文化博览会 The Silk Road (Dunhuang) International Culture Expo-a visiting card of the Silk Road and an invitation to Dunhuang culture. 7. 精品丝路,绚丽甘肃 Splendid is the Silk Road; Gorgeous is Gansu Province. 8. 丝绸之路三千里,华夏文明八千年 The Silk Road stretches for three thousand miles, and the Chinese civilization flourishes for eight millenniums. 9. 文化圣殿,人类敦煌 Dunhuang, a holy land of the world culture. 10.倾力打造丝绸之路经济带甘肃黄金段 Build the golden section of the Silk Road Economic Belt in Gansu 11. 朝圣敦煌 Dunhuang, a place of pilgrimage.