1. 一词多义。弄清原文的意思,在汉语中选用适当的词语。例如:
Born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany, Albert Einstein was two years old when his parents moved to Munich, where his father opened a business in electrical supplies.
2. 英语名词和介词用得多,汉语动词用得多。
Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in the past.
3. 英语代词用得多,汉语实词用得多。在一个句子里,英语可以先出代词,后出实词;汉语则先出实词,后出代词。
One day, while I was playing with my new doll, Miss Sullivan put my big rag doll into my lap also, spelled “d-o-l-l” and tried to make me understand that “d-o-l-l” applied to both.
If they are disappointed at one place, the drillers go to another.
4. 英语动词有时态,时间概念往往通过时态表现出来:汉语动词没有时态,表示不同的时间,往往需要加时间状语。
It is like a dream to me now, floating through my mind in slow motion. Many children were playing close to the water, and we were stunned by their ignorance and daring.
5. 英语被动语态用得多,汉语被动式用得少,有时不用被动形式也可以表示被动的含义,有时可以用无主语句。
When the whale is killed, the blubber is stripped off and boiled down, either on board ship or on shore.
Great sums of money have been spent, for example in the deserts of Egypt, in “prospecting” for oil.
6. 英语并排用几个名词、动词或形容词时,其排列顺序可能要考虑到词的长短(长的放在后面,这样节奏较好)或分量的轻重(重的放在后面,这样不显得头重脚轻)。汉语除了考虑常用的顺序以外,还常常考虑词的音调。分量的轻重关系不大,常把分量重的词放在前面。
…setting aside big tracts of la