美国马里兰州大学Ahmet H. Aydilek教授来我校讲学
土木学院院长韩建平教授为Ahmet H. Aydilek教授颁发兼职教授聘书
Ahmet H. Aydilek教授在朱彦鹏、王秀丽教授陪同下参观土木学院结构大厅
4月23日至25日,应土木工程学院王秀丽教授邀请,美国马里兰州大学Ahmet H. Aydilek教授来我校做交流访问,并为广大师生做了题为“Green Highways: Sustainable Construction Practices by Using
Recycled Concrete Aggregate(绿色公路:藉由再回收混凝土骨料应用的工程建设可持续发展实践)”的学术报告。报告会由王秀丽教授主持,土木学院院长韩建平教授为Ahmet H. Aydilek教授颁发了兰州理工大学兼职教授聘书。
西部防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心主任朱彦鹏教授、土木工程学院乔宏霞教授以及二十名教师和多名博士、硕士研究生参加了报告会,并与Ahmet H. Aydilek教授进行了深入的交流,报告会现场气氛热烈。报告会后,Ahmet H. Aydilek教授在朱彦鹏教授、王秀丽教授的陪同下参观了土木工程学院新结构大厅和我校结构工程研究所设计的大型边坡支护工程项目。
土木学院王秀丽教授在美国马里兰大学进行了为期一年的访问学习。访学期间,与Ahmet H. Aydilek教授等多名知名学者进行了深入的交流,并达成了长期在科研、交流等方面的合作意向,建立了良好的合作关系。Ahmet H. Aydilek教授此行对于促进我校与美国马里兰州大学更深层次的科研交流具有积极的推动作用,
Dr. Ahmet H. Aydilek is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
at the University of Maryland-College Park. He received a B.S. from Technical University of
Istanbul, Turkey in 1993, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1996 and 2000, respectively. He has directed or co-directed over 35 projects for industry and government, and his
contributions to these areas have been recognized by several
awards, including the Walter Huber Research Prize (2011), Arthur Casagrande Award (2006),
and Engineering Achievement Award (2002) from the American Society
of Civil Engineers (ASCE), IGS Honorable Menytion Award (2013) and
IGS Research Award (2006) from the International Geosynthetics Society,
and General Research Board Award (2004) from the University of Maryland.
Dr. Aydilek has published/edited 125 works consisting of book, book
chapters, refereed articles in journals and conference proceedings,
and technical reports.The refereed articles have appeared in a variety
of journals and two of the articles have received awards from the
American Society of Civil Engineer(Arthur M. Wellington Prize and Collingwood Prize).
Dr. Aydilek is active in several technical communities and currently
serves as an Associate Editor to Geosynthetics International (IGS) and the Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE).
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